Next performances of Suomen Mestari
November 14 -15, at Vallila Stage
Suomen Mestari and R.E.A.D. at Vallila Stage
An intercultural season at Vallila Stage
Klockriketeatern, Teatteri Metamorfoosi and Post Theatre Collective present a theater season at the Vallila Stage. From October 25 to November 23, the Vallila Stage will be filled with a varied program.
The season is shaped by the three theaters and consists of theater productions, talks and readings among other programs. It is something special when three theatres with different characters meet and inspire each other and the audience.
Welcome to join us for this season's theatre escapade!
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Suomen Mestari premieres at Aleksanterin teatteri on Monday 25.9.2023
Suomen Mestari is an absurd comedy musical based on Finnish language textbooks used in adult education, and interviews with Finnish language students and teachers. The work that is inspired by Eugene Ionesco's The Bald Soprano employes Finnish pop songs used in teaching materials and borrows the main characters of the Finnish textbook Suomen mestari. These characters are introduced as unemployed and housewife immigrants on the one hand, and local architects and bankers and other masters on the other hand. Suomen Mestari aims to bring out and question these stereotypes that distort social narratives about immigrants and promote genuine intercultural dialogue that could lead to better coexistence between the majority and minorities that in reality are likely to be masters of any field in the Finnish society.
Post Theatre Collective’s member Bita Razavi talks about her work at Helsinki Biennial on Radio Helsinki
Kratt : Diabolo No3 and Elevated Platform will be on display at HAM as a part of Helsinki Biennial
11.6 to 22.10 2023
The member of Post Theatre Collective Bita Razavi will present her work at the second edition of Helsinki Biennial. Razavi’s installation which consists of a kinetic sculpture called Kratt : Diabolo No3 and a sculptural spatial intervention called Elevated Platform will be on display at HAM-Helsinki Art Museum from 11 June to 22 October 2023.
The installation which is co-produced by Post Theatre Collective and was originally commissioned for the exhibition of the Estonian Pavilion, at the 59th Venice Biennale, deals with the complex relation between the colonized and the colonizer through the lens of botanical art. As Kratt: Diabolo No3 was censored and the images that were the central part of the work were removed from the exhibition of Estonian Pavilion, the finalized sculpture is being exhibited for the first time at the Helsinki Biennial 2023.
The Cleaners installation goes to Oulu Museum of Art
7-19th March 2023
In March 2023, The Cleaners video installation will arrive at the Oulu Museum of Art as a part of New Theater Helsinki’s Pop Up program. Welcome!
This theatrical video installation based on Post Theatre Collective’s recent performance called The Cleaners directed by David Kozma. The Cleaners that was premiered at Aleksaterin Teatteri in 2021 discusses the experiences and societal positions of immigrants who work as cleaners in Finland through documentary theatre and fictional storytelling. The work is centered around the invisible stories of the cleaners gathered through interviews, and the choreography is inspired by their work and the movements involved in it. This work investigates society’s power structures from their point of view.
The Potential of Multilingualism within the Performing Arts
Workshop in Helsinki 20. - 24.02.2023
This workshop is part of the collaboration project The Potential of Multilingualism within the Performing Arts, led by Vanja Hamidi Isacson as playwright, and David Kozma as director, hosted by Post Theatre Collective.
The overall project aims at creating a multilingual performance based on the research of Vanja Hamidi Isacson and the artistic experience of David Kozma.
It will explore the potential of multilingualism within the performing arts – both from the actor’s and the audience’s perspective. This potential could include artistical, political, emotional and communicative aspects among others.
EROS/SA- Out of Touch will visit Kokoteatteri this fall
Next Performances: 7.10/ 8.10/ 11.10/ 12.10/ at 19:00
Out of Touch is a performance that uses the means of documentary theatre to talk about inter-ethnic divorces in Finland. Study says that every second marriage of a foreigner and a Finn ends in divorce. Are the cultural differences so great? Do people from different nationalities rush into marriage for practical reasons? Is it the one-way sacrifices and all the unbalances that it brings? Or it’s just the clash between a person from the happiest country in the world and a person from a miserable country.
The performance is based on interviews with people who have gone through interethnic break ups and divorces. People who got to know each other outside the context of their everyday living. People who moved to other continents for love and lost their superpowers.
Eros/sa was premiered at Pop Up Vuotalo organized by New Theatre Helsinki in the Fall of 2021.
Languages: English and Finnish
Duration: 90 min
EROS/SA - Out of Touch
The Cleaners - Siivoojat
Tickets: 33–15 €
Next Performances: November 9th and 16th - 7pm
at Aleksanterin teatteri
“I vacuum, I wipe, I disinfect. Move, repeat, routine. I clean up at your house or at your office. At the hospital you’re taken cared of. At the grocery store you’re shopping in. On the boat you’re traveling by. At the hotel you’re sleeping and relaxing in. I arrive, I work and I leave. Do you notice me? Do you trust me? Have you ever thought what your cleaner dreams of?Mostly I’m happy with my life. In the future I would like to have a job that I’m qualified for – I have a Masters degree after all. I wish that my family could live in Finland and that we could have a summer cottage. I hate to spend hours commuting for work and I don’t like the fact that I’m unnoticed and my work is underrated.”
The Cleaners is a performance based on stories of people who are working and living amongst us. The performance looks into society’s power structures from the point of view of the immigrants who work as cleaners in Finland. The performance studies what kind of movement is inspired by cleaning up.
Working group: Angela Aldebs, Giorgio Convertito, Salla Kozma, Gody Otieno, Njara Rasolo, Yuko Takeda, Anastasia Trizna, Mara Jelinko, Eino Antonio, Pietu Pietiäinen, Lauri Wuolio, David Kozma, Anna Suoninen, Irina Ananeva-Riashchenko.
Language: English with Finnish subtitles
Duration: 1:15
Tickets: 33–15€
Please check out current Covid 19 info
The Cleaners at Aleksanterin teatteri 15 -16.9.2021
Sep 17, 2021
Hufvudstadsbladet reviewed The Cleaners"The cleaners styrka ligger i det återhållna uttrycket i de olika monologerna som framförs en och en. Greppet springer ur konceptet att låta dem som sällan kommer till tals att äntligen få förmedla sina historier."
"The strength of the Cleaners lies in the restrained expression in the various monologues performed one by one. The grip springs from the concept of allowing those who rarely get to speak to to finally be able to convey their stories."